Reading Workshop:
We met as book clubs on Friday and began talking about the benefits of a book club and how talking with a group of peers can raise our level of understanding about a text. I love watching the students take ownership of the clubs. They lead everything from how the group will read each day to how many days they will take to finish the book as a group. They even come up with consequences for not having read on any particular day. The book your child is reading for book clubs will replace their independent reading books IF they don't finish their assigned reading in workshop.
Additionally, we had a chance to welcome Melia Steed and her therapy dog, Carly. We have the fortune of being able to have Carly working in our classroom every Thursday starting this week!
Writing Workshop:

Next up, learning to write concise, informational paragraphs from our heritage research.
We are nearing the end of Module 1 and our end of module test is set for Wednesday, October 21st. Students will have time in class for review as well as review homework. The focus of the module was to master place value understanding, express numbers in their unit form and be able to complete all four operations with decimals. Students can use IXL, Homework Help 5 (24 minute video review!), old homework, old quizzes, and their notebooks to practice this week. In addition, I will be available afterschool on Monday for extra help.

- I'm happy, happy, happy that we are still going to be celebrating Halloween next with costumes. The other 5th grade teachers and I have a special day planned for the kiddos so be on the look out for a note home about what we have up our sleeves for Friday, October 30th.
- Please check your child's heritage folder each and every day. We are currently on pace with the Heritage Calendar that I shared with you last week. As of today (Sunday), all students should have clear, detailed notes for Geography, Climate, Economics and Government. If your child falls behind in researching and needs longer than our 45 minute class, they will be expected to finish the research for homework. If that isn't complete, I will be keeping kids in from recess. This is an important project that no one can afford to fall behind on. Thank you for all the help you've already given.

- Also regarding the heritage project, your child started a Google Doc to gather images from the internet that they might want to use on their tri-fold boards. When they are ready to begin designing the board, you can simply print the document. If you don't have a printer at home, your child may use morning work, snack or recess time to print.